6 Easy Ways to Raise Money for Your School

Whether you are looking to purchase new playground equipment or to update technology, raising money for your school is always a worthy cause. With the Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Program and these six tips, raising extra funds for your school has never been easier.

  1. Create a reasonable selling time frame.  Realize that teachers, students, and their families will likely be very busy throughout the school year.  Give your sellers 2-3 weeks to sell and build in a few days on your turn-in date for late orders or misplaced forms.
  2. Help your sellers sell!  Offer top seller or participation prizes.  Help your students plan ahead and anticipate to whom they will sell.  Utilize the F.R.A.N.K. System…Friends. Relatives. Acquaintances. Neighbors. Kid’s Activities.
  3. Gather Volunteers. Reach out to parents to get involved in the fundraiser whether it is collecting forms, helping on delivery day, or just spreading the word about your fundraising goal.
  4. Create excitement about the fundraiser.  Have a poster contest and hang the posters around the school outlining the goal for the money raised.  Remind students and families about the fundraiser during daily or weekly announcements or assemblies.  Get the teachers involved with teacher specific prizes for the classroom with the highest participation.
  5. Reach out to the community.  Are there parents or teachers who have connections to local businesses?  Hang posters there or ask for donations for top seller prizes.  Don’t forget to use social media to advertise your fundraiser.
  6. Ask your Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Representative for assistance.  When you run a Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser, you have an entire team of fundraising experts on your side with ideas on how to make your fundraiser easy and profitable!

There are plenty of ways to make your fundraiser a big success while keeping the process fun and easy. The Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Program is ready to help you enjoy delicious dinners and snacks while raising Big! Big! Dough for your school. Learn more about our tips and resources or sign up to get started today.

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