Easy Fundraising Ideas from LCPK Customers

Some of the best ideas come from our customers!  Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Program has helped hundreds of groups raise money for their goals. Now they are helping us by sharing some of their favorite easy fundraising ideas.

Creativity and collaboration can be a big part of a successful fundraiser. Do you have an idea that worked well for your group?  Let us know so we can share with others. Tell us about it on Facebook or create your own testimonial!

Pizza Kit Customers’ Easy Fundraising Ideas

  • Raising money for a school band or choir?  Offer front row tickets to an upcoming performance as a top seller prize.  No additional cost, but amazing value!
  • Raising money for a school program or cause? Offer a reserved parking space as a top seller award! Reserved seating is also of top concern at elementary, middle or high school graduations or awards nights. 
  • Have an elementary school?  Let your group “Name the Hallway” of your school after themselves if you reach your fundraising goal. Your group can bond while picking out their name. For a fun addition, have the class create a sign to hang in the hallway to show off their name.
  • Is your school principal a willing participant?  One of our customers has a principal who dresses up as a piece of pizza to kick off their sale.  Another has sat on the school roof all day after the students hit their sales goal and still another has become a “human ice cream sundae” in recognition of the students’ fundraising achievements.
  • Delivery day pallets make amazing stand-alone signs for upcoming school events.  Reuse your delivery pallets and decorate for upcoming games, assemblies, or events. The pallets also combine to make a fabulous arcade style basketball game.
  • Do you typically have late orders?  Our customers have offered small prizes, like candy or pencils, for each seller who turns in their form before the due date.
  • Have your sellers sell to F.R.A.N.K. – Friends. Relatives. Acquaintances. Neighbors. Kid’s Activities.

We love our customers and their creative fundraiser ideas! If you have tried these or any new ones, share with us on social media! See our Tips & Resources section for more fundraising ideas.

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